I've got a little extra time before I fall asleep tonight, so I decided to word-search spork one of my favorites: "coma." Sporking, as always, in bold.
We didn't get the Disney Channel until I was twelve or so, but I still loved it. Now my sister's following in my footsteps. So I decided to combine our loves with some badfic summaries from Disney Channel shows past and present.
Illustrious mods, I need tags for "That's So Raven" and "So Weird."
Out of all the sporking I do, I think "questionable" badfic is my favorite. The authors just set themselves up for crazy answers. Here's what's new in "questionable" badfic this week.
memorysdaughtersporked a Hannah Montana badfic, and in the comments I mentioned this awful awful HM badfic I'd come across months ago... unfortunately, as people brought to my attention, the story had been deleted off FFN. It warmed saddened my heart to see such a poignant story be taken off FFN, but the sadness didn't last long, because I found out it had been
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